CELab: The Customer Education Lab

CELab is the Customer Education Lab for Innovative Customer Success, Enablement, and Marketing Teams. Our mission is to explore how to build Customer Education programs, experiment with new approaches, and exterminate the myths and bad ...more

Latest Episodes


June 03, 2022 00:48:29
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Episode 79 - Starting Over Again

Customer Education is not a “walk in the park”. But in this episode, Adam and I take a stroll (literally) through the Hirim M....


May 17, 2022 00:55:14
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Episode 78 - Daniel Quick & Barry Kelly - A 12-Step Playbook for Customer Education Success

For Leaders and Practitioners, there are few books out there on the market which appeal specifically to the Customer Education Market which is why...



April 07, 2022 00:52:48
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Episode 77 - Stephanie Pellegrino - The Next Generation of Customer Education Leaders

Over the years, many Customer Education practitioners have come to us at CELab asking, “How do I move up in my Customer Education career?”...



March 23, 2022 00:50:25
Episode Cover

Episode 76 - Nick Mehta - Customer Education is the Core of Customer Success

While Customer Education has been around for many years, we at CELab attribute it’s re-emergence to the Customer Success movement. And with that, we...



March 08, 2022 01:03:35
Episode Cover

Episode 75 - Melissa VanPelt - Customer Education, Advocacy, and Community

For this episode, we welcome Melissa VanPelt who leads Seismic’s Global Education and Advocacy program at Seismic. We’ve hoped to have Melissa on the...



February 14, 2022 00:49:56
Episode Cover

Episode 74 - CELab Maximum "Minis" - Part 1 - Working with Marketing

It’s Valentine’s Day and our gift to the CELab Community was intended to be a “Mini”. Turned out, both Adam and Dave got on...

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