CELab: The Customer Education Lab

CELab is the Customer Education Lab for Innovative Customer Success, Enablement, and Marketing Teams. Our mission is to explore how to build Customer Education programs, experiment with new approaches, and exterminate the myths and bad ...more

Latest Episodes


September 05, 2024 00:50:37
CELab - Ep 139 - Melissa Kruminas @ Docebo - Building Value-Led / Product-Supported Customer Education

CELab - Ep 139 - Melissa Kruminas @ Docebo - Building Value-Led / Product-Supported Customer Education

In the evolving world of business, customer education plays a crucial role in driving success. Yet, creating impactful, scalable programs can be challenging. Traditional...



August 22, 2024 00:49:14
CELab - Ep 138 - Michele Wiedemer - The Learner-Centered Design Model - Part 2

CELab - Ep 138 - Michele Wiedemer - The Learner-Centered Design Model - Part 2

In business, the need for engaging learning experiences is staggeringly important. Yet the “how” is elusive.  Conventional educational approaches don’t work well.  You can...


August 08, 2024 00:53:22
Ep 137 – Michele Wiedemer - The Learner-Centered Design Model - Part 1

Ep 137 – Michele Wiedemer - The Learner-Centered Design Model - Part 1

In business, the need for engaging learning experiences is staggeringly important. Yet the “how” is elusive.  Conventional educational approaches don’t work well.  You can...


July 25, 2024 00:24:20
Ep 136 - Mini - Who's Going To Arrest Me When I Get My Certification Program Wrong?

Ep 136 - Mini - Who's Going To Arrest Me When I Get My Certification Program Wrong?

Certification - it's a challenging and sometimes contentious topic for Customer Education professionals. At CELab, we hear this question come up quite a lot....


July 11, 2024 01:02:48
Ep 135 - Lila Meyer - From Vanity Metrics to ROI: How Gainsight is Connecting Education to Business Impact

Ep 135 - Lila Meyer - From Vanity Metrics to ROI: How Gainsight is Connecting Education to Business Impact

Customer Education is evolving rapidly. We've come a long way from the days of "smile sheets" and attendance metrics being our guide to success....


June 27, 2024 00:32:13
Ep 134 - Geoffrey Moore - Crossing the Chasm with Customer Education

Ep 134 - Geoffrey Moore - Crossing the Chasm with Customer Education

As technology evolves at lightning speed, how can we keep up with educating our customers? We pose this question to the legendary Geoffrey A....
