In this episode we talk with Bill Cushard – Host of “Helping Sells Radio” and Director of Marketing at ServiceRocket – for our first ever CELab interview!
How do you help your customer buy from you? A lot of times we don’t help our customers … we just try to sell to them.
In this episode, Bill explains how helping your customers, particularly through education, really sells. We talk about Agile approaches to Marketing – and that includes using Agile Sprints to develop Educational content, building your 5-year roadmap for education, and much, much more!
In this conversation, Adam Avramescu and Elli Neald discuss the evolution of customer education and support through the implementation of AI chatbots. They explore...
In this episode we discuss the “Rise of the Customer” with Sandi Lin, CEO and Founder at Skilljar. Educating your customers, while not a...
Welcome back to Instructional Design 101, where we’ll ask whether Customer Educators need to care about Bloom’s Taxonomy. What’s that, you ask? Bloom’s Taxonomy,...