Welcome to the Pilot episode of CE Labs – the Customer Education Laboratory!
This podcast series is devoted to you – The Customer Education pioneers out there – to share what we, and others have learned from hard-won experiences in the trenches of fledgling SaaS companies and tech startups.
In this episode we introduce ourselves and our mission and begin challenging the assertion: “You don’t need a customer education team until your company is mature”.
Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash We’ve covered Instructional Design 101 topics on CELab before, but what about more advanced techniques? Once you’ve covered...
In this conversation we are joined by Emily Brogan, the Customer Education Manager at Dovetail. Emily's experience (and ours!) expresses and dives into the...
Many people ask exactly how Customer Education can drive Revenue, reduce Churn, decrease Support tickets, and much more. Is it magic? Is it secret...